The Swapper by Facepalm Games is currently 66% off! Get it before the sale ends, DRM-free and on Steam for Windows:


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£11.59; PS3, PS4, Vita; Facepalm Games. David  How long is The Swapper? HowLongToBeat has the answer. Create a backlog, submit your game times and compete with your friends!

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Swapper game

Dropped into a character and world as mysterious as the workings of the device itself, The Swapper is a game of exploration of a very personal nature. All of the 

Swapper game

The Swapper is a tool reviewed by Gadget Gabe. It is seen in Completing the Mission during Swapper.

Swapper game

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Je vous indique le moment ou vous trouverez l'emplacement de tous les logs cachés pour les succes. Log 01 : 8m09 Log 02 : 11m45 Log 03 : 17m57 Log 04 : 31m11 Events in the game The Swapper unfold in the depths of space. Players use an experimental device that allows them to clone themselves and transfer consciousness to other bodies. Specifications: * Think: tricky puzzles with perfect solutions.

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Välj ett annat datum. Har du besökt Swappers?

The Swapper is an award-winning, narrative driven puzzle game set in the furthest reaches of space. The Swapper takes place in an isolated and atmospheric 

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Märka: Swapper. jan 31.