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Find 25 ways to say EXCITATION, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus.

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Excitation is induced (usually by means of a monochromator) at various excitation wavelengths and the intensity of the emitted fluorescence is measured as a function of wavelength. The result is a graph or curve (illustrated in Figure 1(a)), which depicts the relative fluorescence intensity produced by excitation over the spectrum of excitation

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Excitation / Excitation voltage or more precisely excitation system of a generator ( A.C ) is one of the leading sphere of doubts and questions asked in interviews. While these big machineries work on the Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction.


the process of making something, for example a particle or a cell, more active: 2. the process…. Learn more. Cambridge Dictionary +Plus Find 25 ways to say EXCITATION, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. The excitation system is the single unit in which the each alternator has its exciter in the form of generator.


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The consequence on the macroscopic net magnetization vector is a spiral movement down to the XY plane. Excitation is induced (usually by means of a monochromator) at various excitation wavelengths and the intensity of the emitted fluorescence is measured as a function of wavelength.

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E. 0. Grund nivå. Exiterad nivå. ∆E = E f. E. 1. E. 0.