Fons Trompenaars clearly is a gifted public speaker and applies a healthy dose of ironic remarks, often aimed at himself in his speech. It certainly works with a Dutch audience. In addition, the cultural differences and prejudices he refers to make a good laugh.


Dr. Fons Trompenaars, a Dutch-French organizational theorist, management consultant, and author in the field of cross-cultural communication, who developed the 7 Dimension of Culture model for looking at national culture differences, presents at the conference of the International Society for Organization Development and Change (ISODC).

In peach cultures like the USA or Brazil people  1 Apr 2001 gurus Fons Trompenaars and Charles Hampden-Turner have become the The serious part of a Trompenaars talk typically begins when he  4 Oct 2016 Dr. Fons Trompenaars, a Dutch-French organizational theorist, We'll talk about friendship, entice our friends to own their actions and help  Fons Trompenaars, ranked #41 on the 2013 Thinkers50 Awards and shortlisted for the 2011 Thinkers50 Global Village Award, is a leading expert on  This article explains the Trompenaars Cultural Dimensions, developed by Fons Trompenaars and Charles Hampden-Turner, in a practical way. After reading  6 Nov 2013 Fons Trompenaars uses his knowledge and experience of his mixed cultural background to explain how cultural differences often lead to  17 Aug 2017 Fons Trompenaars, world renowned cross-cultural communication guru, in conversation with Madhavi Lall, Deutsche Bank. Produced by: Camera & Crew: http://www.hoens.tvWhy do we have so many crises? Fons Trompenaars uses his knowledge and experience o Fons Trompenaars As humorous as always, Fons Trompenaars explores how cultural misunderstanding can cause crisis. He start off with reminding us of the time when Americans were in America and the Chinese were in China and management theories worked – but now we have multicultural teams – so what does today’s manager do?

Fons trompenaars ted talk

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Fons Trompenaars is managing director of Trompenaars Hampden-Turner Intercultural Management Group, an affiliate of the KPMG international network. He has a PhD from the Wharton School of Management. Charles Hampden-Turner , also a member of Trompenaars Hampden, is a Harvard man and author of more than 12 books, several with Trompenaars. Fons Trompenaars studied Economics at the Free University of Amsterdam and later earned a Ph.D. from Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, with a dissertation on differences in conceptions of organizational structure in various cultures.

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