5 Apr 2021 ProQuest Social Sciences Premium Collection (1871 - Current). Provides access to databases covering the international literature in the social 


An introduction to Proquest Social Sciences Premium Collection as an essential database for finding academic information across the social sciences disciplines.

email address will automatically be upgraded to our Premium membership (a $300 value). and social science database based on RUC's photocopying journals,  Access to unlicensed collections through June 30, 2020 for participating academic photocopying journal database is a humanities and social science database will automatically be upgraded to our Premium membership (a $300 value). accessed at search.proquest.com/coronavirus experienced researcher, and a of. 182*, 2017. Strategic ignorance and the robustness of social preferences. Z Grossman. Management Science 60 (11), 2659-2665, 2014 The control premium: A preference for payoff autonomy.

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Outside 18 ProQuest: Databaser (tidigare CSA-databaser). 2017- Social Science, total (​backlist+frontlist). 451 ORO Premium tillval: Western Civilization Collection. 6. 6. 6.

ProQuest provides a range of full-text and index resources across social science disciplines, and the Social Science Premium Collection is the single complete 

171. Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner.

Proquest social sciences premium collection

av B Agaton · 2015 — New products are launched in collections, which have a death date when som vision att bli den internationellt ledande leverantören av tapeter inom premiumsegmentet. Manuel, K. (2004) The Sage Encyclopedia of Social Science Research Aggregate production planning for uncertain, seasonal demand, ProQuest,.

Proquest social sciences premium collection

Social Science Premium Collection is a comprehensive set of full-text and A&I resources ranges across social science disciplines and includes multi-format content like journal articles, books and dissertations. Its thorough subject coverage includes criminology, education, library and information science, linguistics, politics and sociology. ProQuest Social Sciences Premium Collection Anthropology Computer Science Counseling - Mental Health Counseling Program Counseling - Rehabilitation Counseling Program Counseling - School Counseling Program Curriculum and Teaching Economics and Accounting Education Educational Foundations Film and A guide to searching the Social Science Premium Collection. Features. 4. Once you create a My Research account, you will have access to the following items (located in tabs when you are signed in): ProQuest Central™ ProQuest Central brings together ProQuest’s most popular databases into one easy-to-use multimedia resource that supports research in business, health and medical, social sciences, arts and humanities, education, science and technology, and dozens of other disciplines.

Proquest social sciences premium collection

Oficina Web UGR. Esta plataforma da acceso a un conjunto de bases de datos de cobertura internacional en el  The SciTech Premium Collection includes the Natural Science Collection and Link: ProQuest SciTech Premium Collection. Database. Subject: Science.
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Proquest social sciences premium collection

Citations with indexing and abstracts; full-text or full-image content for many ProQuest Social Sciences Premium Collection Anthropology Computer Science Counseling - Mental Health Counseling Program Counseling - Rehabilitation Counseling Program Counseling - School Counseling Program Curriculum and Teaching Economics and Accounting Education Educational Foundations Film and /Citations/ProQuest-Social-Science-Premium-Collection This collection provides access to databases covering international literature in social sciences, including politics, public policy, sociology, social work, anthropology, criminology, linguistics, library science, and education. ProQuest’s Social Sciences collections provide comprehensive, global indexing coverage of the scholarly literature in the social sciences, including full-text scholarly journals, many published outside of North America and in languages other than English, and key non-periodical sources such as dissertations and working papers. Social Sciences Premium Collection (ProQuest) Compilation of ProQuest collections in the social sciences with deep coverage of sociology, politics (including PAIS International), criminal justice, education (including ERIC), and linguistics. An introduction to Proquest Social Sciences Premium Collection as an essential database for finding academic information across the social sciences disciplines. ProQuest Social Sciences Tillbaka till resultatlistan Joint search in Criminal Justice Database, Education Collection, IBSS, PILOTS, Politics Collection, ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global: Social Sciences, PsycARTICLES, PsycINFO, Social Science Database, Sociology Collection.

The ProQuest Social Sciences Premium Collection combines our discipline specific collections in politics and sociology, with powerful resources that cut across the entire spectrum of the social sciences. This Collection enriches the discipline by providing more coverage on applied social sciences, criminal justice, education, linguistics, and The journal is covered/included in the following ProQuest databases: Education Database https://www.proquest.com/products-services/pq_ed_journals.html ProQuest provides access to twenty-six primary databases mainly in the sciences and social sciences. One of the most relevant databases for the context of exploring autism, is the database Social Sciences Premium Collection.
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Popis produktu. ProQuest Social Sciences Premium Collection poskytuje komplexný prístup k informáciám zo spoločenskovedných odborov – spája bibliografické záznamy a abstrakty s výsledkami „hĺbkovej“ indexácie článkov, ktorá poskytuje záznamy o fotografiách, tabuľkách, schémach a ďalších vyobrazeniach a úplnými textami.

Joint search in Criminal Justice Database, Education Collection, IBSS, PILOTS, Politics Collection, ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global: Social Sciences, PsycARTICLES, PsycINFO, Social Science Database, Sociology Collection. Tillgänglig för Göteborgs universitet. The ProQuest Social Sciences Premium Collection combines our discipline specific collections in politics and sociology, with powerful resources that cut across the entire spectrum of the social sciences. This Collection enriches the discipline by providing more coverage on applied social sciences, criminal justice, education, linguistics, and The journal is covered/included in the following ProQuest databases: Education Database https://www.proquest.com/products-services/pq_ed_journals.html ProQuest provides access to twenty-six primary databases mainly in the sciences and social sciences.

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Social Science Premium Collection: Access: This database is available to authorized Southeastern users (on- or off-campus). Login help: Producer: ProQuest: Category: Communication Sciences and Disorders, Education, History and Political Science, Psychology, Social Work, Sociology and Criminal Justice: Coverage:

Journal of Drug Issues; Winter 1998; 28, 1; ProQuest Social Sciences Premium Collection pg. 9. Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.

ProQuest provides a range of full-text and index resources across social science disciplines, and the Social Science Premium Collection is the single complete solution that brings these together. It serves researchers across regions, markets, and disciplines with high quality titles from around the world.

The contents can be searched individually or as a group. /Citations/ProQuest-Social-Science-Premium-Collection This collection provides access to databases covering international literature in social sciences, including politics, public policy, sociology, social work, anthropology, criminology, linguistics, library science, and education. A guide to searching the Social Science Premium Collection. ProQuest assumes your search terms should be combined in a certain order. A guide to searching the Social Science Premium Collection. To the left of the results page and records, you'll see the option to Sort and use Applied filters.. 7.

375. 3 ORO Premium Collection. 223. 215.