Propofol plasma concentrations were determined from arterial blood samples. Pharmacokinetics were tested for linearity using the ratio of the concentrations at the end of the first and second infusion interval as a model independent criterion. Several linear and nonlinear models were investigated with population pharmacokinetic analysis.
The pharmacokinetics and protein binding of propofol were studied in ten patients with cirrhosis and in ten control patients undergoing elective surgery. All patients received 2.5 propofol as an intravenous bolus injection for the induction of anesthesia. Whole blood propofol concentrations …
All patients received 2.5 propofol as an intravenous bolus injection for the induction of anesthesia. Whole blood propofol concentrations … Using propofol as an example, explain briefly the importance of clearance. (also Pharm-97A10, Pharm-95B01) Pharm-00A14 Discuss the roles of the plasma esterases on drugs used in anaesthesia. Pharm-95B03 Give a brief account of drug protein binding and outline its significance. Pharm-95A03 Define Phase I and Phase II reactions in drug metabolism.
Although distributed ex-tensively into tissues, the drug is known to be cleared rapidly and linear pharmacokinetics have been observed with infusion to healthy patients [1]. The disposition of propofol was similar after The pharmacokinetics of propofol were investigated in two groups of five Scottish blackface sheep undergoing surgery for the implantation of subcutaneous tissue pouches. After premedication with acepromazine and papaveretum, anaesthesia was induced with either propofol at 4 mg kg-1 intravenously (group 1) or with a mixture of propofol at 3 mg kg-1 and ketamine at 1 mg kg-1 … 1993-11-01 Propofol pharmacokinetics in the obese BJA 449. variability in model parameters was modelled by exponen-tiating random effects (equivalent to assuming a log-normal distribution). P i = P TV ×e h i where P i is the parameter value (e.g. CL and V) of the ith patient, P Pharmacokinetic (PK) and pharmacodynamic (PD) models are used in target-controlled-infusion (TCI) systems to determine the optimal drug administration to achieve a desired target concentration in a central or effect-site compartment. Our aim was to develop a PK–PD model for propofol that can predict the bispectral index (BIS) for a broad population, suitable for TCI applications.
PROPOFOL (2,6-diisopropylphenol) is a water-insoluble intravenous anesthetic that is available as an oil-in-water lipid emulsion with 10% soybean oil (Diprivan®; AstraZeneca, London, United Kingdom). 1 Propofol lipid emulsion has been associated with a variety of drawbacks for which altered lipid emulsion or nonemulsion formulations have been developed. 2
P i = P TV ×e h i where P i is the parameter value (e.g. CL and V) of the ith patient, P Pharmacokinetic (PK) and pharmacodynamic (PD) models are used in target-controlled-infusion (TCI) systems to determine the optimal drug administration to achieve a desired target concentration in a central or effect-site compartment. Our aim was to develop a PK–PD model for propofol that can predict the bispectral index (BIS) for a broad population, suitable for TCI applications. The pharmacokinetics of propofol administered as long term infusions were determined in 12 intensive care unit patients (two female; mean age 58 yr, mean weight 66.9 kg) requiring sedation during mechanical ventilation.
Pharmacokinetics of propofol after a single dose in children aged 1-3 years with minor burns. Comparison of three data analysis approaches. Murat I(1), Billard V, Vernois J, Zaouter M, Marsol P, Souron R, Farinotti R. Author information: (1)Service d'Anesthésie-Réanimation, Hôpital d'Enfants Armand Trousseau, Paris, France.
al. Anesth Analg 2014 Mild hypothermia alters propofol pharmacokinetics and increases the duration of action of atracurium. Anesthesia and Analgesia.
Anaesthesia was induced within 3-4 min during administration of an infusion of propofol 21 mg kg-1 h-1. After 5 min, the infusion was decreased in a stepwise manner to 12 mg kg-1 h-1 and subsequently 6 mg kg-1 h-1. Se hela listan på
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2021-01-26 · Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of Propofol designed to achieve a particular plasma concentration, they result in administration of a larger than necessary induc tion
Propofol, the recently marketed intravenous induction agent for anaesthesia, is chemically unrelated to earlier anaesthetic drugs. This highly lipophilic agent has a fast onset and short, predictable duration of action due to its rapid penetration of the blood-brain barrier and distribution to the CNS, followed by redistribution to inactive tissue depots such as muscle and fat. intravenous infusion. Liver: cirrhosis. Pharmacokinetics: propofol.
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or fluorescence detection. Curve fitting was performed using Propofol 20 mg/ml can be used for infusion undiluted or diluted. Please refer to section 6.6 for diluents and co-administration of the medicinal product. For intravenous use. Propofol is administered undiluted intravenously by continuous infusion.
Propofol, marketed as Diprivan, among other names, is a short-acting medication that results in a decreased level of consciousness and a lack of memory for events. Its uses include the starting and maintenance of general anesthesia, sedation for mechanically ventilated adults, and procedural sedation. Se hela listan på
Models of propofol pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics developed in patients without brain pathology are widely used for target-controlled infusion (TCI) during brain tumour excision operations. The goal of this study was to determine if the presence of a frontal brain tumour influences propofol pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics and existing PK-PD model performance.
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This study, however, shows that epidural blockade affects the pharmacokinetics of propofol through a reduction in propofol clearance. We successfully fitted a 3-compartment model to the data. Covariates were included in the model based on the BIC, evaluated for every possible combination of influence of a covariate on any of the 6 pharmacokinetic parameters.
intravenous infusion. Liver: cirrhosis. Pharmacokinetics: propofol.
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Conclusions: Brain tumours might alter the pharmacokinetics of propofol. Caution should be exerted when using propofol. TCI in patients with frontal brain tumours
12 ASA (American Society of Anesthesiologists) grade I patients, 5 to 12 years old planned for elective surgery will be 1. The pharmacokinetics of propofol in an emulsion formulation (‘Diprivan’) have been studied after single bolus doses to rats, dogs, rabbits and pigs, and after single and multiple infusions to dogs. Venous blood propofol concentrations were determined by h.p.l.c. with u.v. or fluorescence detection. Curve fitting was performed using Propofol 20 mg/ml can be used for infusion undiluted or diluted.
This study, however, shows that epidural blockade affects the pharmacokinetics of propofol through a reduction in propofol clearance. We successfully fitted a 3-compartment model to the data. Covariates were included in the model based on the BIC, evaluated for every possible combination of influence of a covariate on any of the 6 pharmacokinetic parameters.
Pharmacokinetics of propofol can be well described by a three-compartment model. Inclusion of age and weight as covariates significantly improved the model. Adjusting pharmacokinetics to the individual patient should improve the precision of target-controlled infusion and may help to broaden the fie … Propofol pharmacokinetics readily crosses the placenta; however, it is rapidly cleared from the neonatal circulation. The amount of propofol excreted into milk within 24 hours of induction of anesthesia dose not mandate discontinuation of breastfeeding.
So far, the pharmacokinetics of propofol has not been studied in Indian children. We believe that this pharmacokinetic characterization of propofol will help in better management of these patients undergoing surgery under total intravenous anesthesia (TIVA) in our setup. 12 ASA (American Society of Anesthesiologists) grade I patients, 5 to 12 years old planned for elective surgery will be 1. The pharmacokinetics of propofol in an emulsion formulation (‘Diprivan’) have been studied after single bolus doses to rats, dogs, rabbits and pigs, and after single and multiple infusions to dogs. Venous blood propofol concentrations were determined by h.p.l.c. with u.v.