Formex The largest arena for Nordic interior design, details & gifts • Save the date August 24-27, 2021 • #formex


Two top design weeks arranged together with Stockholm Furniture & Light Fair in February and Formex in August. Stockholm becomes the perfect place for everyone connected to, or interested in, design to meet and thrive, discover new impulses, broaden their network and get inspired.

24.08 - 27.08.2021. ÄLVSJö. STOCKHOLM. Formex på Stockholmsmässan i Älvsjö i Stockholm är den största mässan och mötesplatsen för nordisk inredningsdesign.

Formex stockholm august 2021

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They talk about their seminars four times, but the actual part where brands contribute is only mentioned twice. The second part of Formex was what they call “The City Edition”. This is a list of Formex associated activities in Stockholm during the week. Formex city edition kommer äga rum på Volvo Studio Stockholm, beläget i Kungsträdgården mellan den 17 och 22 augusti.

Formex. 14 450 gillar · 9 pratar om detta. Formex - the largest meeting place for Nordic interior design, details and gifts.

August bis Freitag, 27. August 2021 in Stockholm statt. Formex - Stockholm 2021 brings together national and international buyers, agents, designers, producers and media from all over the interior design and gifts industry. Besides the opportunity to do business, the fair gives visitors information about trends, inspiration, and knowledge in the form of exhibitions and lectures.

Formex stockholm august 2021

Formex 19-22/1/2021 Meny.; Byt till Svenska; Stockholmsmässan. Contact Visitor services. Opening hours: Monday to Friday 08:30 - 16:30. Saturday and Sunday closed. Phone and email: +46 8 749 99 00. Stockholmsmässan. Contact Event Services.

Formex stockholm august 2021

The Formex will take place on 4 days from Tuesday, 24. August to Friday, 27. August 2021 in Stockholm. Formex 24-27 augusti 2021. Formex är platsen där du upptäcker produktnyheter, samlar inspiration, tar del av de senaste trenderna och får ny kunskap från föredrag och unika utställningar. Här träffar även nationella och internationella inköpare från hela inrednings- och presentbranschen utställare och gör riktigt bra affärer tillsammans. Formex August 2021 From 24 to 27 August 2021 Stockholmsmässan Mässvägen 1 , Stockholm ( Sweden ) Welcome to Formex 24-27 of August, 2021.

Formex stockholm august 2021

All Events in Stockholm August 2021 | Full and accurate description of events for Formex - Stockholm 2021 brings together national and international buyers,  Formex Stockholm 2021 is going to be held from 24- 27 Aug 2021 at Stockholmsmassan Exhibition & Congress Center, Stockholm, Sweden. Exhibitor Product  Organisers are now working in full force towards creating a safe and productive environment for the upcoming FORMEX 2021, which will be held on 24 – 27  Summer Design Week takes place annually in August. A top design week arranged in connection to Formex.
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Formex stockholm august 2021

Formex Stockholm Augusti 2017; Formex Stockholm Augusti 2017. Datum: Juni 15, 2018. ← Föregående . 0 Kommentar(er) Skicka. Sök. Sök. Nya Inlägg.

FORMEX Autumn 2021 has established itself as the largest exhibition for interior design and trends. The next edition of the event will be held from the 24th to the 27th of August at Stockholmsmassan, Sweden.According to the forecasts over 900 international exhibitors and more than 23 000 trade visitors will attend the expo.
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Formex lasts for about four days and is held annually in Stockholm, Sweden. Because designs are quick to change for the interior sector, editions take place twice a year. First in January to mark the start of the year and then in August. Stockholmsmässan AB performs a …

Formex - the largest interior design fair for Nordic design. The fair is a meeting place for 850 exhibitors, 25,000 national and international visitors and.

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March 26-30, 2021 September 10-14, 2021. Formex Stockholm. The Nordic region had to cancel its edition scheduled for January but they are already working hard for this summer. The fair will reopen its doors from August 24 to 27, 2021…

Formex lasts for about four days and is held annually in Stockholm, Sweden. Because designs are quick to change for the interior sector, editions take place twice a year.

Formex Stockholm 2021 is going to be held from 24- 27 Aug 2021 at Stockholmsmassan Exhibition & Congress Center, Stockholm, Sweden. Exhibitor Product 

24 - 27 August 2021. FORMEX Autumn 2021 has established itself as the largest exhibition for interior design and trends. The next edition of the event will be held from the 24th to the 27th of August at Stockholmsmassan, Sweden. According to the forecasts over 900 international exhibitors and more than 23 000 trade visitors will attend the expo. Formex is taking place from 24 August 2021 to 27 August 2021. Formex is a trade show semestral held in Stockholm.

Formex August 2021 From 24 to 27 August 2021 Stockholmsmässan Mässvägen 1 , Stockholm ( Sweden ) Organisers are now working in full force towards creating a safe and productive environment for the upcoming FORMEX 2021, which will be held on 24 – 27 August 2021. FORMEX Autumn 2021 will once again bring together about 20,000 professionals for a comprehensive showcase of the latest trends in the areas of interior design and decoration, styling and lifestyle, Scandinavian living, wellbeing Book your hotel for FORMEX Autumn 2021 in Stockholm, Sweden between 24.08.2021 and 27.08.2021. Quality hotel options at good rates are difficult to find in Stockholm with FORMEX Autumn 2021 coming up. ExpoBeds has you covered.