MBL 1511F Digital to Analog Converter (DAC) from the German company known for its over-the-top designs and performance. Hi-Fi News comments on the sound from this DAC: "richly textured and colourful . . . and super-smooth treble quality." Read the reviews from this source and others for more on this great piece.


Designed as a pure 2-channel D/A the F-type utilizes an advanced, proprietary multi-bit, DS modulator with integrated noise shaping technology in a closed-loop architecture, ensuring premium sound quality by removing any potential audible artifacts.Realistic sound Dreamlike vision: As with all MBL components, the mbl 1611 F also encompasses the latest technology in a noble exterior.

2016-03-01 MBL 1611e dac pricing information. on Audiogon, the High-end Audio Community We have 1 review of MBL C31. View all reviews, videos, ratings and awards for mblc31. TestSeek is an independent and unbiased review aggregator, it is our mission to collect all expert reviews and calculate an average rating for each product. Verdict. MBL’s 1511F DAC is indeed ‘up there’. Its ability to paint spookily realistic images out of silence is fabulous, while its build quality shows carefully considered engineering both inside and out.

Mbl 1511f dac review

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Digital inputs in AES/EBU (XLR), BNC, Cinch and optic… Feb 2, 2020 MBL N31 CD player/DAC: 12.200 euro As this is show coverage and not an extensive review, I won't go into the 1511 HV Oostzaan Why should you still invest in an expensive CD-DAC? Although MBL designed the 116 F Radialstrahler to sell for just half the price of its big brother 101E, one listen reveals a speaker of greater similarities than MBL 1511 F D/A C Audio Reviews and News MBL 101 X-treme Omnidirectional Floorstanding Loudspeakers Review - ecoustics.com Mbl 1511F | Dac | Audio Emotion. The choice of materials in the MBL 5011 reflects the price point: everything is . com/review/mbl-5011-linestage-preamp-1521-cd-transport-and-1511-e-dac. 2014年2月7日 1511F數位類比轉換器隸屬德國mbl旗下Noble line系列,從第一代的1511歷經了多 次改革,至今已是第六代,在原有的型號1511後加上了F,以便  Nov 7, 2014 Even when playing barren, clinical-sounding recordings, the 1511F unquestionably seduced us with its charms; we judged the DAC to be  Mar 3, 2014 Mbl 1511 DAC Condition: 9/10 Price: RM7500 (reserved) e-mail: jbhf1169@ yahoo.com WhatSapp / SMS: +6582224590. The first one is, traditionally, a printed version of our cover review of the Series monoblocks, MBL 6010 preamplifier, MBL 1521 DAC and MBL 1511 transport.

One final thing about the MBL sound—and this relates especially to the 1521A CD transport and 1511 E DAC: Buyer beware. Because these products make listening to CDs such a fresh, lively, and deeply involving experience, you’re likely to start spending large chunks of your discretionary income on all kinds of new music. I know that I have.

A great DAC with a realistic sound (not a scalpel, not a player on its own). High respect for dynamic and texture, well shaped soundstage and atmosphere. Certainly a unique capacity to reproduce the … Great tone and body!

Mbl 1511f dac review

MBL DAC 1511F - USB to analog playback up to 24/96 Music Fidelity V-Link 192 - USB to SPDIF playback up to 24/192 (pending review)

Mbl 1511f dac review

Shopping. Tap to unmute. If playback doesn't begin shortly, try restarting your device. 2011-01-27 · I know MBL makes some really fantastic equipment, but to me they look almost *inconceivably* tacky. Their speakers are gorgeous (and fascinating), but their AV components look as if Liberace and Las Vegas got together, overindulged, then threw up all over some perfectly nice CD players and amplifiers the next morning.

Mbl 1511f dac review

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Mbl 1511f dac review

Although MBL designed the 116 F Radialstrahler to sell for just half the price of its big brother 101E, one listen reveals a speaker of greater similarities than MBL 1511 F D/A C Feb 2, 2017 - MBL 5011 Linestage Preamp, 1521 A CD Transport, and 1511 E DAC - sell & buy advertise high End hifi forsale, DACs sell second-hand hi-fi,sell £ 3,590. Mbl noble line 1511f dac + mbl usb module rrp: £7,920.00 our price: £ 3,590 High End DA-converter in black with gold-coloured inscription and gold-plated control elements.

Very good with CDs but even (far) better with high-def.
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It’s a looker, for sure, one whose presence in my system I already miss.”. John Atkinson, Technical Editor. “…Its performance on the test bench reveals the widest-bandwidth, widest-dynamic-range, lowest-noise, lowest-distortion preamplifier I have encountered.”. Read more (German) Read more.

VYGER Baltic M transport, mbl 1511F DAC. CABLES. MBL 1531 CD Player review Hi Fi News The MBL 1622 CD/SACD player and 1611f DAC's are as good as the best units out Haven't heard the 1511f yet. John Atkinson returned to our CD-DAC N31 and followed up with his review. magazine HiFi News published in the May issue a review about the mbl 1511 F. High End DA-converter in black with gold-coloured inscription and gold-plated control elements.

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Mar 29, 2017 - MBL 1611F DAC A few bits more make a crucial difference distinguishing a conventional D A converter from the top-grade product from our company the

Originally published in the 2103 Yearbook. For fans of Super Audio CD (SACD) technology the mbl 1511 F is equipped with a MBL Link for SACD. The integrated interface allows a high-quality and easy connection between the mbl converter and the mbl SACD player. The music is reproduced gently and powerfully at the same time – and listening to it becomes a thoroughly sensual experience! A great DAC with a realistic sound (not a scalpel, not a player on its own).

The 1511F’s inputs are all limited to accepting data up to 24-bit/96kHz, which might disappoint some. But, ultimately, one must conclude it is the sound quality performance of a DAC – and its true ability to offer substantially-better-than-CD resolution with hi-res recordings – that’s paramount, not the numbers on its spec sheets.

Very good with CDs but even (far) better with high-def. Great tone and body! There's no stridency or edge to speak of." None of the aforementioned symptoms are in evidence. (But then, a surprising number err in a new way and suffer from over-compensation. They become too smooth, warm and fulsome to the point of flabbiness. The mbl 1511 F DAC has some of this.

Excellent conditi Stereo:Music server HTPC i5 Jriver Preamp:Bremester 897+MBL 1511F DAC USB Power Amp:Monarchy Audio SE-100 Pure Class A mono mono PJ: HT3550, Acoustical 135” gain 1.2 ** HDR Setting of HT3550** Measurement of HT5550 MBL 111F with Pass X350.8, MSB Select II DAC/preamp, MIT Cabling Your MBL component complies with the household power and safety requirements in your area. Warranty Please pay attention to the details given in the warranty card which accompa- nies the unit. Page 3 1611 F unique high end audio Page mbl 1611 F Views mbl 1611 F Front View mbl 1611 F Rear View 1. Placement 2. Verdict.