Recently named by Forbes in their 40 under 40 list, Julia Hartz is co-founder and new CEO of Eventbrite, a billion dollar company which has successfully disrupted the ticketing industry. They built a platform to provide a delightful experience for both ticket sellers and buyers.


Biography of Julia Hartz. Speakers bureau with booking and speaking fee information for live and virtual events with famous speakers like Julia Hartz.

Julia Hart is a writer and director, known for Fast Color (2018), Miss Stevens (2016) and I'm Your Woman (2020). She has been married to Jordan Horowitz since 2008. They have two children. Jun 25, 2020 - 201 Likes, 14 Comments - Julia Hartz Tipmore (@hartzjl) on Instagram: “What house projects have you guys been working on?

Julia hartz

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Julia spends her day focusing on the happiness, productivity, and growth of the team at Eventbrite (aka the Britelings). On July 10, join Guy Raz, host of NPR's 'How I Built This' for a live Q&A on the theme of resilience with Julia Hartz, co-founder and CEO of Eventbrite. Tune in at   Julia Hartz is one of the co-founders of Eventbrite. Currently, she is serving as the CEO of the corporation, which runs a website for ticketing as well.

Julia Hartz, medgrundare och vd på Eventbrite. # Laura Brown, chefredaktör på Harper's Bazaar. # Lisa Lindström, vd på Doberman Group.

“Which is the first affected and one of the most directly affected businesses of the COVID View Julia Hartz’s profile on LinkedIn, the world’s largest professional community. Julia has 3 jobs listed on their profile. See the complete profile on LinkedIn and discover Julia’s View phone numbers, addresses, public records, background check reports and possible arrest records for Julia Hartz.

Julia hartz

Recently named by Forbes in their 40 under 40 list, Julia Hartz is co-founder and new CEO of Eventbrite, a billion dollar company which has successfully disrupted the ticketing industry. They built a platform to provide a delightful experience for both ticket sellers and buyers.

Julia hartz

Spelar Mozarts violinkonsert nr 3 med symfoniorkester. Postad: 31 januari, 2015 Av: Linda Lampenius Kategori: Concert, Konsert, Musik, Repetition,  Vieler, Julia, Racing Team Ronja, 19.01.1967, W45, 24.06.2012, Brühl (GER) 40, 73.215 km, T, Hartz, Sandra, 08.01.1971, W40, 18.08.2012, Lebach (GER).

Julia hartz

Julia spends her day focusing on the happiness, productivity, and growth of the team at Eventbrite (aka the Britelings). On July 10, join Guy Raz, host of NPR's 'How I Built This' for a live Q&A on the theme of resilience with Julia Hartz, co-founder and CEO of Eventbrite. Tune in at   Julia Hartz is one of the co-founders of Eventbrite.
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Julia hartz

CLOSE. (1956). LK14,1, 26050804, Turner-Hartz, Christine.

Axios Re:Cap goes deeper with Eventbrite co-founder and CEO Julia Hartz to learn how her company has responded to this. Julia Hartz Julia Hartz is an influencer · Eventbrite Co-Founder, CEO, Board Member | Henry Crown Fellow | Four Seasons Board Member · About · Articles by Julia  Jul 10, 2020 She's the Co-founder and CEO of Eventbrite, Eventbrite managers and organizes ticketing for small and medium-sized and even large-size  Enjoy the best Julia Hartz Quotes at BrainyQuote. Quotations by Julia Hartz, American Businesswoman, Born November 20, 1979. Share with your friends.
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Julia Hartz, Eventbrite CEO & co-founder, joins Yahoo Finance to discuss the increase in consumer demand on the ticketing platform and the outlook on the future 

Julia Andersson. redigera wikitext]. Ideell sektor – Julia Mjörnstedt; Offentlig sektor – Thea Wedin; Näringsliv – Arvid Morin ”Sofia Hartz - Ungt Ledarskap”. Ungt Ledarskap.

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De 400 miljarder dollar som skulle gå från företag G till företag M, sade Bill Gates i ett samtal med Eventbrite-grundare och VD Julia Hartz vid ett evenemang 

Julia has 7 jobs listed on their profile. See the complete profile on LinkedIn and discover Julia’s Julia Hartz is one of the co-founders of Eventbrite. Currently, she is serving as the CEO of the corporation, which runs a website for ticketing as well as other aspects of event management. As such, Hartz has received a fair amount of coverage from business news. 1.

Julia Hartz. Julie Hartz is an American entrepreneur, and investor, known as the co-founder and CEO of Eventbrite, a global ticketing and event technology platform. Early life and education. Julia Hartz was born on November 20, 1979, and raised in Santa Cruz, California. Hartz lives in San Francisco with husband, Kevin Hartz and two daughters.

16 jul · How I Built This with Guy Raz. Lyssna senare Lyssna senare; Markera som spelad; Betygsätt; Ladda ned  Julia Kalthoff var 24 år och vd på yxtillverkaren Wetterlings när hon tilldelades Kompassrosen 2013 för att hon med driftighet tryggt grundad i omtanke har modet  Judith Grant Long · Juli Ferre · Julia Hartz · Julian Maha · Julie Amacker · Julie Giese · Julie Snow · Juliet Slot · Jump By Uber · Jurgen Mainka  Julia A. Schulz is the author of this article in the Journal of Visualized Experiments: Anika M.S. Hartz1, Julia A. Schulz2, Brent S. Sokola2, Stephanie E. Julia Hartz is an American entrepreneur, investor, and the co-founder and CEO of Eventbrite, a global ticketing and event technology platform. She is best known  Hennes företag har kallats en av de bästa arbetsplatserna för kvinnor och unga. Nyligen tog Julia Hartz över rollen som vd för biljettföretaget  --Julia Hartz, cofounder and president, Eventbrite, Inc. "Startupland is a refreshingly honest and humble inside look from Mikkel Svane, a Silicon Valley outsider. Löbich, Julia: Die hessischen Verhältnisse seit dem Dano-Urteil, Zeitschrift für Åkerberg Fransson, Pfleger und Dano (Hartz IV), Deutsches Verwaltungsblatt  S. Jimenez-Murcia, A. Julia, G. Kalsi, D. Kaminska, L. Karhunen, A. Karwautz, J. Frank, L. M. Hack, A. M. Hartmann, S. M. Hartz, S. Heilmann-Heimbach,  Hitta redaktionellt stockfoto på Julia Hartz Kevin Hartz och andra foton i Shutterstocks samling med redaktionella fotografier.

Comments are closed. Mar 14, 2014 The Hartz's, a husband and wife team, have raised an additional $60 million in funding for their San Francisco-based online events platform,  Sep 20, 2018 Co-founder and CEO, Julia Hartz, told Cheddar Thursday that an unrelenting focus on the company's "creators" ー those who start events on  May 5, 2017 Julia Hartz, CEO Eventbrite. Hartz says she can check people off as they arrive at the venue, and there's no quicker way of explaining what  Nov 28, 2017 Julia Hartz became Chief Executive Officer of online ticketing platform Eventbrite in 2016, the company she co-founded in 2006 and  Jul 21, 2017 Julia Hartz says she believes that bringing people together can be a catalyst for real change.