What is Statutory Interpretation? Statutory interpretation is the method used by the courts where the legislation is unclear. This can be for various reasons – ambiguity, a particular point not being mentioned, errors made in the Act, or new legal developments.


Modern Statutory Interpretation Philip Sales ∗ Most of the law which the courts are called on to apply is statutory. Yet statutory interpretation languishes as a subject of study. For the most part, law students are expected to pick it up by a sort of process of osmosis. It’s more fun and engaging to study cases, as vignettes of real life.

This can result in the need for correct interpretation; Anticipating every possible version of a particular case can result in incoherence and such gaps in the law demand a right interpretation of the law. The means of interpreting the Acts of Parliament by judges is called statutory interpretation. Common Law: Is a law formulated by judges with the aid of conclusions of a court to follow the aid of a legislative process by the executive branch. Statutory Interpretation 1st edn 1976, 2nd edn 1987 & 3rd edn 1995 ed by John Bell and George Engle, Butterworths. Curtis, Charles P: ‘A Better Theory of Legal Interpretation’ (1949) 4 The. Record of the Association of the Bar of the City of New York.

Statutory interpretation uk

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To discuss trialling these LexisPSL services please email customer service via our online form. Free trials are only available to individuals based in the UK. We  Other statutes / cases; Previous practice. Aids to Interpretation. Extrinsic Aids: Human Rights Act 1998 – The Act incorporates into UK  Mar 24, 2021 Canons of Statutory Construction (also called Rules of Statutory Interpretation) · Canons of statutory construction are general rules for construing  Take the Quiz: Statutory Interpretation - UK Law. These questions are on AS level Statutory interpretation, and cover UK Law. It is also the approach which is taken by the. European Court of Justice in interpreting EU law. Since the United Kingdom became a member of the European  Feldman, D. (2014). Statutory Interpretation and Constitutional Legislation.

The term statutory interpretation refers to the action of a court in trying to understand and explaining the meaning of a piece of legislation. Many cases go to appeal on a point of interpretation, Indeed, Lord Hailsham, a senior English judge, once said that “probably 9 out of 10 cases heard by the Court of Appeal […]

1989 uttalade domstolen i anledning härpå: ”[i]n interpreting the Convention regard must be reasonable period within which to change clear statutory provisions for the future […]  United Kingdom and in Sweden to examine the effect of legislative procedure the rules of statutory interpretation, court hierarchy and how judgements are  United States Supreme Court and the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom toward asylum claims based on Its decision was based entirely on statutory interpretation of the U.S. law-governing asylum. This contrast begs the question of  20 apr. 2016 — Interpretation of the Energy Charter Treaty .

Statutory interpretation uk

Statutory Interpretation. Many statutes are passed by parliament each year. The meaning of the law in these statutes should be clear and explicit but this is not always achieved. Parliament sometimes includes sections defining certain words used in that statute; such sections are called interpretation sections, which define certain words in the act itself.

Statutory interpretation uk

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Statutory interpretation uk

The following Article explores this matter with regard to. German, UK and U.S. law. Statutory interpretation first became significant in common law systems, of which historically England is the exemplar.
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Statutory interpretation uk

Golden Rule.

See, for instance, CIC Insurance Ltd v Bankstown Football Club Ltd (1997) 187 CLR 384, at 408; Project Blue Sky Inc v Australian Broadcasting Authority (1998) 194 CLR 355, at 384. 2013-06-03 · Mark Aronson: Statutory Interpretation or Judicial Disobedience? In Australia as in England, courts began “reading down” legislative grants of broad and seemingly unfettered discretionary power long before the currently fashionable “principle of legality” entered the public lawyer’s lexicon.
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Statutory interpretation and the doctrine of precedent by Practical Law Public Sector An outline of the English court system, the doctrine of precedent, and the rules of statutory interpretation.

Swedish  av M Jonas — 4.1.1 Imbrication 1 (Law/Regulation/Standard → Interpretation) . and legislative bodies, but also internal ones. UK: Palgrave Macmillan. Jämför och hitta det billigaste priset på Judicial Reasoning under the UK Rights Act concepts – statutory interpretation, horizontal effect, judicial review,  Skilled working in multinational (Africa, South-East Asia, UK and EU) and The diagnosis of NEC is dependent on interpretation of radiological findings,  in the UK was a “service” within the meaning of the Treaty, it can still be seen that “the municipalities have a statutory duty to ensure that sufficient places for  This exhibit contains “forward looking statements” within the meaning of the federal litigation outcomes and judicial actions, including gaming legislative action, We also own or manage properties in Canada, the United Kingdom, Egypt  “Term” has the meaning specified in Clause 10.1.

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Under this rule, UK courts will give words their plain, ordinary meaning. What is it? Golden Rule. …

EU Law overrides all sources of domestic law, had the literal rule been applied in this case the UK would have breached its treaty obligations to give effect to an EU directive (Slapper, G, p186, 2009). In statutory interpretation courts rely on presumption, language, intrinsic and extrinsic aids. Statutory Interpretation The need for statutory interpretation: The court has the task of decide the exact meaning of a word. This is why words can be ambiguous. significant legislation of the kind one finds in the UK 2.

Separation of Powers; The Rule of Law; The UK Constitution; Sovereignty of Learning Objectives; General Approach to Statutory Interpretation; The Literal 

The contributors therefore consider first general Convention and Human Rights Act concepts - statutory interpretation, horizontal effect, judicial review, deference,​  (6A) “ Re-population ” and “ re-introduction ” have the same meaning as in [F19 the (a)on summary conviction, to a fine not exceeding the statutory maximum;. The cookies on legislation.gov.uk help do two things: they remember any settings you've chosen so you don't have to choose them on every page, and they help  17 aug. 2003 — “Analogia legis. Analogy from Statutes in Continental Law,” in Le raisonnement Book review: Jim Evans, Statutory Interpretation.

2019-03-31 significant legislation of the kind one finds in the UK 2. General approaches to statutory interpretation “The general approach to statutory interpretation is today not in doubt.”12 In R. (Quintaville) v. Secretary of State for Health Lord Bingham said:13 “The basic task … Statutory Interpretation The need for statutory interpretation: The court has the task of decide the exact meaning of a word. This is why words can be ambiguous. Need for statutory interpretation: Complex nature of the statute after being subjected to changes can result in vagueness. This can result in the need for correct interpretation; Anticipating every possible version of a particular case can result in incoherence and such gaps in the law demand a right interpretation of the law.